Tax Strategy, Consulting, & Preparation
The new administration will extend many, if not all, of the tax deductions and tax credits in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 when the new administration and Congress write the new tax code required by law in 2025.
The greatest benefits will go to SMBs, corporations, and wealth management for high net worth individuals from targeted tax deductions and tax credits.
A rising tide lifts all boats and working people in mostly all industries throughout the United States will experience wage gains at the margins.
Sign up for the Tax Strategy & Tax Prep Blog to receive the latest information on the most important updates and changes in the tax code in 2025 that affect your company explained in easy to understand layman’s terms without the boring wonky journalism you get from the mainstream press.
We do tax returns for individuals, independent contractors, single proprietors, partnerships, and S Corporations.
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